The Practicum as an axis for inclusion: a case study from the students' point of view with photo-elicitation




Practicum, inclusion, initial training, photo-elicitation, teaching competences


Inclusive education has become a central element of the current education system. In this sense, initial teacher training through the Practicum plays an important role in the creation of inclusive environments. The main objective of the study is to analyse how the photo-elicitation strategy in the Practicum enables students to develop competences in favour of educational inclusion through awareness of inclusive actions in the classroom. All this from the point of view of the students in school practices (N=12) and using the case study method. The results show how the photo-elicitation allows students to reflect and understand in terms of educational inclusion. It also shows that the teacher-tutor is the backbone of inclusion, especially through the development of emotional intelligence, and finally, it highlights the need for continuous coordination between institutions to achieve the shared objective.


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Author Biographies

Estefanía Monforte García, Universidad de Zaragoza

PhD in Educational Sciences, graduated in Psychopedagogy, graduated in Primary Education in the specialities of Foreign Language English and Physical Education, with a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities. She is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Sciences, in the area of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Zaragoza. Her teaching is linked to the Primary Education and Early Childhood Education Teaching Degrees. She is a member of the research group ‘Education and Diversity’ (EDI) at the University of Zaragoza. She has taught at the Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) and carried out a research stay at Canterbury Christchurch University (England). Her research interests are related to the history of education, gender and identity studies, rural schools and educational innovation.

Esther Edo Agustín, Universidad de Zaragoza

Esther Edo Agustín is Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Teruel (University of Zaragoza). She is a member of the following research groups: Education and Diversity (EDI) - University of Zaragoza - and Interdisciplinary Group of Active Learning and Assessment (IGALA) - Catholic University of Valencia. She has given seminars at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Manchester Metropolitan University and Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University, and has carried out research stays at the FH Vorarlberg - University of Applied Sciences (Dornbirn, Austria), and at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Department of Education and Sports Science - University of Stavanger (Norway). His main research interests focus on simulation and play, educational innovation and rural schools.


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How to Cite

Monforte García, E., & Edo Agustín, E. (2024). The Practicum as an axis for inclusion: a case study from the students’ point of view with photo-elicitation. Diario De Practicum, 9(2), 11–23.