Impact of the Practicum on teacher training: An Ecuadorian experience
Program evaluation, Professional practice, Teacher training, Graduates, ResearchAbstract
The purpose of this article was to determine the impact of the practicum on teacher training. The sample was selected as the graduates of the School of Education Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Santo Domingo campus. The impact was evaluated in three of the four dimensions proposed by Tejeda (2011) based on Kirkpatrick's model (1959): satisfaction, development and transfer. The instrument used was a survey for the first dimension and a classroom observation form for the remaining dimensions, both developed by the authors and validated by consulting specialists. The results showed that 50% of the graduates are moderately satisfied with the training received; however, their level of development and transfer is high, with 67% and 50% respectively. It was concluded that the practicum had a high impact on the graduates for their teaching performance.
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