From education to action: Students as agents of forest fire prevention
Environmental conservation, sustainable development, environmental education, student participation, environmental awarenessAbstract
Forest fires represent one of the socio-environmental challenges. In response, the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja tackled the problem of forest fires with an educational project, involving 163 students from Practicum III in the Environmental Management degree programme in three stages: gathering information and creating maps, developing educational resources and holding micro-workshops on environmental education. Fifty maps were produced, 80 short stories and comics about the fires, and 50 micro-workshops were carried out, reaching 4000 students from Ecuador between 6 and 12 years of age. Participants evaluated the experience positively with 4.54 out of 5 points, with the communication and problem-solving dimension being the most highly rated. This project illustrates how academia can influence education on forest fire prevention and promote sustainable development in a context where these events represent a threat to biodiversity.
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