Perception of orientation in the secondary school master's practicum




Department of Guidance, Sustainable Development Goals, Master's Degree in Teaching, secondary education, inclusive education
Agencies: Universitat de València


Guidance departments carry out fundamental work in secondary schools for educational improvement, coordination between different agents in the educational community and outside it. In this research, the perceptions of the practicum students of the secondary master's degree in the specialty of Physics and Chemistry on the role they acquire in secondary schools were analyzed. The aim was also to make known and value the contribution of these professionals, as well as their contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The results show that the students, during their internship period, have noticed, to a greater extent, the functions related to attention to diversity, both academic and professional guidance, and support for the personal development of students, as well as their contribution, above all, to SDGs 3 and 4.


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Author Biographies

Anna M. Monzó Martínez, Universitat de València

She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Valencia. Her doctoral thesis deals with the attention to high-ability students in the Valencian education system. Advisor for teacher training in the specific field of Inclusive Education of the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat Valenciana and associate professor in the Department of Educational Theory, of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of Valencia. She is part of the High Ability Educational Innovation Group (GIEDAC). Regarding his teaching work, he teaches in the Master's Degree in Secondary School Teaching. She has developed lectures and courses related to the educational response to high-ability students from an inclusive perspective. She is the author of several publications related to the field of high capacity. This program is aimed at promoting the talent of all students through proposals based on differentiation and curricular enrichment. It includes actions aimed at increasing and improving the detection and educational intervention of gifted students.

M. Fernanda Chocomeli Fernandez, Universitat de Valencia

Bachelor of Science in Education, Educational and Professional Counselor.
Master's Degree in Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders, Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching. Founder of the Professional Association of Guidance of the CV, APOCOVA, in which she has held the position for several years as president and vice-president, until recently.

Universal Accessibility Advisor to the Board of Directors of COPOE (Confederation of Confederation of Psychopedagogy and Guidance Organizations of Spain). Specialist in Disability, Learning Difficulties and Universal Accessibility.

She is currently Head of the Department of Educational and Professional Guidance at IES Jordi de Sant Jordi in Valencia; associate professor in Pedagogy and Social Education, Department of Educational Theory, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Valencia; coordinates the Educational and Career Guidance group of the Erasmus+ Women's Legacy Project, Our cultural Heritage for Equity.

In recent years, she has developed functions as Teacher Training Advisor for Educational Inclusion and transition between stages of the Specific CEFIRE for Inclusive Education and the Territorial CEFIRE of Valencia;

At the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, she has been Coordinator of the Area of Attention to Students with Disabilities, professor of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education and Coordinator of the subject Attention to Diversity, of said Master's Degree. She has been a professor at the University of the Balearic Islands, in the Department of Educational Sciences, in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology.

Author and speaker of publications on educational inclusion, universal accessibility, educational and professional guidance, the educational response to inclusion in Vocational Training, coexistence, school dropout, women and disability.

M. Pilar Martínez-Agut, Universitat de València

Teacher, Pedagogue, Psychologist and Doctor in Educational Sciences from the University of Valencia. Teacher at the levels of early childhood, primary, secondary education and in the Training Cycles of the Professional Family of Sociocultural and Community Services, which she combined as an associate professor at the University of Valencia. She is currently a Full Professor at the University of Valencia, in the Degree in Pedagogy, Degree in Social Education, Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching and Doctorate in Education. Mobility Coordinator of the Degree in Social Education. He has participated in Research Projects subsidized by various public administrations (University, Generalitat, Ministries...), in Teaching Innovation Projects and in International and National Congresses, with the presentation of papers, symposiums and communications. He has published various articles in International and National magazines. Among its areas of work, Social Pedagogy, Education for Sustainability, Teacher Training and early childhood education stand out. He has directed four defended doctoral theses and is currently directing five.


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How to Cite

Monzó Martínez, A. M., Chocomeli Fernandez, M. . F., & Martínez-Agut, M. P. (2023). Perception of orientation in the secondary school master’s practicum. Diario De Practicum, 8(2), 61–76.


