The practicum in initial teacher training at the University of Cologne (Germany)




Initial teachers’ education;, Practicum, External Practices, University, Experiential learning.
Agencies: sin apoyo


In 2015, universities in the state of Northrhine-Westfalia introduced the semester practicum which was appreciably longer than previous teaching practica. Inspired by a paper by Zabalza Beraza (2016) who suggested that external training practices may be viewed (a) as a curricular component, (b) as a learning situation and (c) as a personal experience, I decided to analyse the semester practicum in teacher education at my university, the University of Cologne, as well as the results of a research project carried out by researcher from the universities of Cologne, Paderborn and Siegen from the point of view of Zabalza Beraza’s   framework. The framework turned out to be very helpful in organizing findings from official documents and from the research project. At the same time, it seemed that Zabalza Beraza and the initiators of the semester practicum differ slightly with respect to the how they perceive the objectives of the practicum in teacher education.


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Author Biography

Karl Steffens, Colonia University (Germany)

Karl Steffens is psychologist and senior researcher at the University of Cologne / Germany. He obtained his PhD from the University of Bonn and has been working at the universities of Bonn, Cologne, Frankfurt, Erfurt, and Barcelona (Spain). At the University of Barcelona, he conducted research in the field of ICT for a year with a grant from the European Commission (Human Capital and Mobility Programme). Since then, he has participated in a number of European research projects on technology enhanced learning and on intercultural communication, with a focus on self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments. In this teaching, he has been involved in initial teacher training and in media education


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How to Cite

Steffens, K. (2023). The practicum in initial teacher training at the University of Cologne (Germany). Diario De Practicum, 8(2), 7–16.


