Analysis of the emotional dimension of the student body in teaching practices
Practicum, Initial teacher training, Social-emotional competence, Emotional vocabularyAbstract
This paper describes the results of a qualitative cases study aimed at exploring the emotional facet of pre-service teachers during their academic practices. Thirty fourth-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Education from a university in Madrid participated in the study. A form was developed to obtain the data and the reflexive tales written by the students were considered throughout different stages of the academical practices. This paper presents the results related with two research questions: which are the emotions that were felt and identified by the participants, and the sequence with which they appear throughout the entire practice. The results present the need of introducing the emotional skills used in the practicum thus, by encouraging the emotional awareness, they learn how to handle the emotions in the class, which lead into a professional performance profitable for learning of the children.
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