Digital teaching skills self-assessment platform
Teacher Evaluation, Competency-Based Teacher Education, Teacher Competency Test, Competency-based education, Teaching skillsAbstract
Education is undergoing transformation, with the massive use of digital technology in teaching and learning activities and, in this case, identifying digital teaching skills is a social demand. For this, a platform was developed for identifying and managing information, called CDD-EB, which stores, in a summarized form, a model for self-assessment of Digital Teaching Skills (CDD). The CDD-EB Model uses rubrics that guide the teacher in a self-assessment process, in which it enables an individual self-reflection process and returns, in the form of feedback on the platform itself, a summary with the teacher's CDD profile, based on the choices made. The self-assessment model was validated by experts, inserted into the CDD-EB Platform and tested by basic education teachers. Statistical validity tests, by IVC and CVC, and reliability by Cronbach's Alpha, confirm the Platform's potential as a tool for identifying digital teaching skills.
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