Minors and social educators in child protection centres





Social education, Vulnerable youth, Child residential centers, Social inclusión
Agencies: University of Vigo


The improvement of the Protection System for Children and Adolescents must seek to know the perception of those involved in it. For this purpose, this case study has been carried out, consisting of studying the evaluations that minors and social educators carry out in the centers for the protection of minors, in which they live and work. To achieve this purpose, interviews and discussion groups were carried out, which allowed obtaining information about the stay of the minors in the centers for the protection of minors, the characteristics and functions of the educational and managerial personnel, their participation in the life of the center and outside of it, of the promotion of the autonomy of minors and of the support that the Child Protection System itself must provide children and adolescents.


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How to Cite

Figueiras-Rio, A., Fernández-Simo, D., & Correia-Campos, E. (2022). Minors and social educators in child protection centres . Diario De Practicum, 7(2), 76–91. https://doi.org/10.24310/RevPracticumrep.v7i2.15501


