Reflection on the preservice teachers’ practicum in apprentice teacher education: Perceptions of the academic tutors
Pre-professional practice, teacher training, pedagogical partner, joint reflection, theory-practice relationshipAbstract
The training of preservice teachers (AdD) currently demands guided models focused on strengthening the development of the theory-practice relationship and reflection on the situations or experiences of preservice teaching practicum (PP). This research was carried out at the Universidad Nacional de Educación in Ecuador (UNAE), and in order to achieve its proposal, this study included three multiple case studies. The mentioned studies were made up of the AdDs from the fifth semester of the Elementary Education Major (Educación Básica EB) and their respective Academic Pedagogical Pairs of tutors (PPA), who participated in a process of collaborative reflection. Moreover, two in-depth semi-structured interviews were applied to the actors, which were studied by means of a deductive thematic analysis. The results underline the importance of working on the reflection of the students’ teaching practicum, and therefore, they have allowed us to understand the representations of the academic tutors in regards of the preservice teachers’ practicum (PP).
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