Methodological training for bilingual teaching. Indicators in Practicum Reports
Practicum; bilingual education, trainee teacher, primary document, methodo-logical integrationAbstract
This qualitative research has been developed for a diagnosis of the integration of diverse methodological components, required for the implementation of bilingual teaching programmes in Primary Education. Practicum Reports are chosen since they constitute a productive research site in pre-service teacher training from its academic layout. A non-probabilistic documentary sample of 108 Practicum Reports is selected from a significant institutional context. They all correspond to the Mention of English as a Foreign Language. The technique of content analysis is applied, which makes available the experiential collective of methodological decision-making that covers two of its elements: the teaching proposal and the bottom line. The results reveal contradictions, paradoxes and difficulties driving the tendency to focus the integration on two methodological perspectives: learning strategies and collaborative learning. Indicators are set out as conclusions in terms of training productive lines to ensure an optimal complementarity and combination of the methodological components.
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