Comparative study of funeral works: "The last breath" by Artur Prat (1914) and "The kiss of death" by Jaume Barba (1930)


  • Dolores Lupiáñez Fernández Universidad de Málaga Spain



funerary sculpture; funerary iconography; marble; death; cemetery


We should not find it strange, that it is in the cemeteries where we can find the most remarkable artistic representations of death. The figure of the death throughout history has always been charged in multiple ways. As it has always happened in other areas, in the funeral art you can see a combination of cultures, a fusion of ideas, forms. This is caused by the many civilizations that have lived in the same territory and have coexisted for a long time. Every civilization has always tried, even continues trying, to discern the unknown. This is incomprehensible to human being, trying to represent it through imagination, with the aim of making it acceptable and to calm that fear of the End, and the point of no return.

In this article we are going to focus our attention on two sculptural manifestations of La Muerte, both located in two different cemeteries and at different times: "The Last Breath" in the Cemetery of Aveiro and "The Kiss of Death", in the Cemetery of Poble Nou, Barcelona.


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Author Biography

Dolores Lupiáñez Fernández, Universidad de Málaga





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How to Cite

Lupiáñez Fernández, D. (2020). Comparative study of funeral works: "The last breath" by Artur Prat (1914) and "The kiss of death" by Jaume Barba (1930). Eviterna Journal, (7), 103–112.