Disabilities in Egypt (II)


  • Mara Castillo Mallén Asociación Universitaria de Investigación Egiptológica Spain
  • Sonia López Díaz Asociación Universitaria de Investigación Egiptológica Spain




Ritual limp; dwarfs and gods; Egypt


In our preview article (Castillo, López 2016) we focused on role of people with disabilities, both in Ancient Egypt and classical Greece, their economic, social and political situation. In this second part we are going to discuss the topics left aside in the first article which are the references to dwarfs in relation to Egyptian divinities and their religious function and finally the image of ritual lameness and its ideological function within the aristocracy, representation very present in the imaginary of Mediterranean societies.


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How to Cite

Castillo Mallén, M., & López Díaz, S. (2020). Disabilities in Egypt (II). Eviterna Journal, (7), 53–76. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.v0i7.8376