A proposal to read the paintings of the dressing room of the Santa Faz of Alicante
Conchillos, history painting, XVIIth century valencian painting, AlicanteAbstract
The oil paintings with scenes of the history of the Alicante’s Santa Faz made by Juan Conchillos Falcó (1641-1711) for the Monastery of Santa Verónica (Alicante) are one of his masterpieces. However, despite their excellent state of preservation, their importance and, particularly, their narrativity, they have hardly been studied. Therefore, in the following pages a new interpretation of the meaning of the same is proposed based on the contemporary sources and the circumstances in which they were done, trying to analyze their meaning and their importance for the reivindication of absolute latry to the Holy Face made by Alicante’s council.
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