The Apotheosis of Hercules: a humanist discourse in the Seville of the Renaissance


  • Juan José Castillo Herrera Universidad de Málaga Spain



Neoplatonism; Renaissance; Christian Humanism; Francisco Pacheco; Apotheosis of Hercules; Neoistoicism


The currently study relates the different translations of the humanist Renaissance ideas of the 2nd half of 16th Century, from Italy to Seville´s painting school of 16th & 17th Centuries, specifically the Academy of Francisco Pacheco del Río. The speech is based in some ideas on how the neoplatonic thoughts of the first Italian humanists, were reflected on Italian, European and Spanish art forms and, in particular, the work of the mentioned painter and his paintings at the "House of Pilatos" in Seville: The Apotheosis of Hercules. Through the iconographic study and interpretation of his iconological speech, concordances between humanist ideas and the principles of Christianism are established in order to convey a moralizing message.




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How to Cite

Castillo Herrera, J. J. (2017). The Apotheosis of Hercules: a humanist discourse in the Seville of the Renaissance. Eviterna Journal, 1(1), 9–20.