The ephemeral architecture and the transformation of the urban space. Some Spanish cases between 2016 and 2018


  • Carmen Flores Hurtado Universidad de Málaga Spain



Ephemeral Art; Public space; Urban space; Ephemeral architecture; Traditional architecture


 In recent years, the ephemeral art has begun to inhabit the urban environment more than ever. He has taken to the streets with the intention to transform public space and to interact with society. Whitin this, ephemeral architecture takes the role, becomes an essential engine for the creation of reflections on new forms of expression, and allows you to redefine the notion of traditional architecture. The ephemeral merges with the city and give rise to reachable and inclusive space.



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How to Cite

Flores Hurtado, C. (2020). The ephemeral architecture and the transformation of the urban space. Some Spanish cases between 2016 and 2018. Eviterna Journal, (4), 12–22.