The Behrens House: analysis of a total work of art


  • Andrea Isabel Aranda Gómez Universidad de Málaga Spain



Behrens House, Gesamtkunstwerk, Jugendstil, Darmstadt Colony, Architecture, Design


The Behrens House was built in 1901 by the architect and designer Peter Behrens and it still being nowadays one of the best examples of “total work of art” in the History of Art. However, beyond the achievement of a total aesthetic, that is, the visual and spatial harmony between each of the elements that make up the house, its planning includes aspects that link with the modern architecture of the 20th century, as well as with a single dimension social of the total work of art that was configured over the past century. The analysis of this work, based on the book that Behrens himself dedicated, seeks to deepen the proposed aspects, unraveling the theoretical and formal wealth contained in the work.




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How to Cite

Aranda Gómez, A. I. (2020). The Behrens House: analysis of a total work of art. Eviterna Journal, (3), 1–11.