Rosebushes that bloom in the garden where the Divine Husband is recreated: allegory of a Religious


  • Claudia Cristell Marín Berttolini Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico



Sheep; Good Sheered; Allegory; Craft Prayer


This analysis focuses on an allegory of the nuns as part of the sacred herd and protected by the Good Shepherd; it represents a small sheep with white wimple and black veil, referring to a professed nun, living in the mystical garden of the convent in the promise of the spiritual union with Jesus Christ. With a function that transits among an allegorical, identity and ceremonial status, the presence of the sheep in the convent becomes a mnemotechnical and craft prayer made by the nun who would affirm her belonging to the spiritual herd of Christ when creating this kind of objects.




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How to Cite

Marín Berttolini, C. C. (2020). Rosebushes that bloom in the garden where the Divine Husband is recreated: allegory of a Religious. Eviterna Journal, (2), 43–52.