Inji Efflatoun: White Light


  • Anneka Lenssen United States



Avant-garde, Egypt, Transnational feminism, Visuality, Inji Efflatoun, Global Modernism


The Egyptian artist Inji Efflatoun (1924-1989) is widely recognized as a major avant-garde figure in Egyptian modernist history as well as a feminist activist who petitioned for women’s suffrage, amendments to family law, and for worker’s rights. Perhaps most famously, she was among the first cohort of women to be arrested as a political prisoner; she served a four-year sentence under President Gamal Abdel Nasser for her work with the Egyptian Communist Party (1959-1963). Most scholarship on Efflatoun has followed the artist’s autobiographical narrative in treating the artist’s dual activities – political action and artistic practice – as essentially opposed. This essay proposes an adjustment to this frame, arguing instead for recognizing the artist’s theoretically-informed response to gendered somatophobia (fear of the body) as a central aspect of both commitments. The essay examines the darkness of Efflatoun’s early surrealist paintings as a pairing with the «white light» of her 1970s paintings, thereby revealing the artist’s ongoing inquiry into possibilities for kinship based on copresence rather than appearance.


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Archival (materials consulted in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina ‘Memory of Modern Egypt’ repository)

ALI, Fatima (1977), «Fannana Tarsumu… al-Faragh», Akhir Sa‘a, 30 March.

ATTIYA, Naim (1977), «al-Hawa? wa-l-Nur fi Lawhat Inji Aflatun al-Jadida».

EFFLATOUN, Inji (1975), «La Femme Créatrice de Valeurs».

Handbill (1941), Second Exposition de l’Art Indépendant, Cairo, 10-25 March.

Books, Journals, Films

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DAVIS, Angela (1989). Women, Culture, & Politics, Random House, New York.

EFFLATOUN, Inji (1993), Mudhakkirat Inji Aflatun (Inji Efflatoun’s Memoirs), Sa?id Khayyal, Dar al-Su?ad al-Sabah, Kuwait.

GROSZ, Elizabeth (1994), Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism, Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

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MULVEY, Laura (1975), «Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema», Screen, vol. 16, n.º 3, 1 October, pp. 6–18.

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No Author (1966), «Bursars’ Exhibition», Arab Observer n.º 296, 21 February, pp. 27-34.

No author (1967), «Expositions: Inji Efflatoun», Jeune Afrique, 30 July, pp. 59-60.

No author (1967), «Inji Efflatoun: Variations on an Egyptian Theme», Egypt Travel Magazine, n.º 148, August, pp. 36-39.

POLLOCK, Griselda (1988), Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and the Histories of Art, Routledge, London.

RADWAN, Nadia (2016), «Inji Efflatoun: Multiple Idioms of an Egyptian ‘New Woman’», in Focus, Works from the Mathaf Collection / Mother Tongue: Selected Works by Inji Efflatoun, ed. Leonore-Namkha Beschi, Mathaf-Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, consulted in typescript.

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YUNAN, Ramsis (1969), Dirasat fi al-Fann, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Cairo.



How to Cite

Lenssen, A. (2020). Inji Efflatoun: White Light. Boletín De Arte, (41), 33–44.


