Escape FolRoom: Proposal for an integrated game in the Training and Orientation class.


  • Carmen María Lozano López Universidad de Almería Spain
  • Marie-Noëlle Lázaro Universidad de Almería Spain



Games, Game-based learning, Teamwork, educational resource.


During the teaching practice a certain demotivation or frustration has been detected by the students in the Training and Employment Orientation module. To combat this problem and in order to achieve the objectives of working in a team, such as collaborating in a team contributing ideas and reaching consensus, knowing the value of work teams, differentiating between effectiveness and efficiency, identifying the different types of roles as well as the figure of leadership and promoting positive interdependence and personal enforceability, among others, it has been proposed to apply the own combined methodology of game-based learning and gamification through the design of an educational escape room, a game that today It is quite fashionable and they combine various features such as fun, motivation and different teamwork tools.

Finally, after analyzing the characteristics and benefits of this teaching resource, it has been shown that the escape room is an ideal tool to teach teamwork in a practical and complete way, and can be combined with other additional subjects or themes.


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How to Cite

Lozano López, C. M., & Lázaro, M.-N. (2019). Escape FolRoom: Proposal for an integrated game in the Training and Orientation class. International Journal of New Education, (4).

