Privilege as derangement


  • Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo UBA-CONICET Argentina



Subjective Spirit, Soul, Madness, Finitude, Materialism


One of the most enigmatic phases that the subjective spirit goes through in its confrontation with the first externalities of nature is represented by madness. In this paper I am interested in delving into the "particular difficulty" that this phenomenon acquires in the transitions of the spirit towards its liberation. To this end, I will proceed in four steps: (1) I will analyze the first form that the subjective spirit assumes after the passage through the philosophy of nature, viz: the soul; (2) then, I will place the phenomenon of madness within the architecture of the spirit, as an inner manifestation of the becoming of soul´´ s life; (3) next, I will reconstruct the three ideal types of madness that Hegel distinguishes; (4) finally, and by way of conclusion, I will offer my answer to the question of the specific meaning that madness assumes for the transition to the absolute spirit.


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How to Cite

Prestifilippo, A. L. (2024). Privilege as derangement. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 10, 23–41.