‘Delusion’ with the soul

Verrücktheit (madness) in Hegel’s philosophical evolution


  • Vittorio Ricci Roma2 Italy




Hegel, pazzia, psichiatria, spirito


The article presents an almost ‘slavish’ and exclusive analysis of the evolution of Hegelian thought concerning Verrückheit (madness). Through the examination of the texts that chronologically followed one another, it was possible to determine a ‘watershed’ of this evolution due to the presence or absence of anthropology as philosophical-systematic science of Seele which, starting from the end of the Nuremberg period (around 18016), is placed as the first moment of the philosophy of the spirit. From the point of view of content, it was possible to show how a similar psychopathological theme has been outlined since his youthful writings as an integral and unavoidable part of anthropic individuality and in an increasingly articulated and defined way as an essential moment in the development of its own rationality.


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How to Cite

Ricci, V. (2024). ‘Delusion’ with the soul: Verrücktheit (madness) in Hegel’s philosophical evolution. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 10, 107–130. https://doi.org/10.24310/stheg.10.2024.19104