The Individuation of Modern Society


  • Edmundo Balsemão Pires Portugal



Hegel, Philosophy of Right, Family, Vicil Society, State, System of Nature


This contribution reviews the main aspects discussed in my book The Individuation of Modern Society (in Portuguese), published in 2011. This work contains investigations devoted to the study of the semantics of modern socio-historical concepts. It was focused on the concepts mobilized by G. W. F. Hegel in the Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1821), throughout the treatment of the three axial figures of the third section “Sittlichkeit”: the Family, Civil Society, and the State. Without forgetting the themes surfacing from the integration of “Sittlichkeit” in the system of the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences, and their intrinsic philosophic worth, the core of the investigations consisted in the incorporation of the concepts in broader semantic undercurrents, particularly with regard to the critical reassessment of the moral and political outcomes of the 17th and 18th centuries System of Nature on which relies the Hegelian critique of Natural Law, from Jena to Berlin.


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How to Cite

Balsemão Pires, E. (2022). The Individuation of Modern Society. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 8, 91–110.