Recognition and solidarity


  • Gabriel Amengual Universidad de las Islas Baleares Spain





Hegel has provided us with different assertions about his theory of recognition, which is in itself a process encompassing various phases. His theory has been also subject to many interpretations and receptions, all of them contributing to a variaety of views about that theory, depending on the statements and or phases which were emphasized. In fact, these so many interpretations are diverse, according to the central aspect considered, be it either the lordship and bondage struggle, the notion or the movement of recognition as such, the grounding of ethics and institutions of ethical life, etc. Here it is not our aim to work out a new interpretation, but just to stress the elements that can suggest a contribution to solidarity. Certainly, a theory of recognition is not a theory of solidarity, but in Hegel it is not difficult to discover points of convergence and affinities.


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How to Cite

Amengual, G. (2017). Recognition and solidarity. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 3, 7–26.