From an objective reality to a subjective reality: a brief reflection about truth and freedom in Hegel


  • Raphael Machado Castro Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais Portugal





The philosophical system created by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is considered one of the most important works in the history of the western philosophy. Ever since it’s creation and development, there was not an attempt that could overcome the efforts of the german idealist in the understanding of reality in it’s logical, epistemic and sistematic structure. Therefore, the present text intends to articulate Hegel’s main ideas with the categories of truth and freedom, enunciating its relations with the importance of the sistematic interpretation in the philosopher’s work.


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How to Cite

Machado Castro, R. (2019). From an objective reality to a subjective reality: a brief reflection about truth and freedom in Hegel. STUDIA HEGELIANA. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR HEGELIAN STUDIES, 5, 17–27.