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Emilio Matías Solanilla
Departamento Educación. Diputación General de Aragón
María Begoña Vigo Arrazola
"Universidad de Zaragoza"
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020), RESEARCHES, pages 90-106
Submitted: Apr 3, 2020 Accepted: May 18, 2020 Published: Jul 31, 2020
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In a context marked by the neoliberal transformation of educational services and when inclusion is presented as a value for a sustainable development, this article aims to contribute to understanding the active role that places and interactions in them have by generating experiences of segregation or inclusion in rural spaces. The goal is to identify which are the experiences of inclusion and segregation among the members of a Grouped Rural School. The ethnographic study of a school in a Grouped Rural School from Aragón (Spain), through participant observation, informal conversations and document analysis, shows how the interactions generated around structures such as the school and the CRA differ on one hand to proximity relationships between families and students and on the other hand to the teachers. Finally, the tensions in relation to the experiences lived in rural schools are discussed, underlining the need for educational policies to attend to the particularities of the different schools.

Agencies: CEDDAR, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


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