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Rafael Ángel Jiménez Gámez
Universidad de Cádiz
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020), STUDIES AND ESSAYS, pages 19-33
Submitted: Mar 26, 2020 Accepted: May 12, 2020 Published: Jul 31, 2020
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This study analyses the evolution of immigrant's social and educational inclusion in our neighbouring country during the last decades. First of all, we have examined a specific aspect of the assimilative French case. Namely, the discussion on the use of ethnic statistics, banned on the basis of equalizing principles, but that may be a handicap to any effort leading to the eradication of discrimination. The main core of our study is based on a starting phase where, from 1998, France starts to be aware of the differences, which is not free from difficulties due to the traditional French assimilationism. It is, however, from 1998 until now that several reports denounce the discrimination of immigrant minorities. This fight against discrimination is endorsed by the determined action of the European Union. The first report (Trajectoires et Origines, 2015) includes, amongst other aspects, labour discrimination and school exclusion at immigrant populated neighbourhoods. Nevertheless, with a more qualitative approach, Gilles Kepel's report, Banlieue de la Republique and Hugues Lagrange's reports denounce social and educational marginality of Maghrebi immigrants and, above all, sub-Saharan immigrants. Finally, we deal with the severe crisis of France's assimilation model and the risky school segregation that this population undergoes.


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