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Laura Prados Gómez
Universidad de Málaga
2019: ¿Hacia dónde va la formación del profesorado?, STUDENTS, pages 123-128
Submitted: Jul 9, 2019 Accepted: Jul 12, 2019 Published: Jul 29, 2019
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The article that is presented below is a revised and updated version of an academic paper presented in the subject "Theory of Education"; I studied at the University of Malaga during my first year of training as a teacher in the Degree in Early Childhood Education. This work, which took the format of an essay, reflected my formative journey and the journey through the learning process that I experienced in the first year of my career.

In this article, education is compared with the metaphor of a videogame. The first section presents this metaphor in more detail, and in the following sections each of the levels that allowed me to reach this reflective process and to become aware of my role in education are developed.


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