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Lucila Galván
Diana Violeta Solares Pineda
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Lydia Espinosa Gerónimo
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021), RESEARCHES, pages 57-71
Submitted: May 31, 2021 Accepted: Jul 11, 2021 Published: Jul 26, 2021
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This article has the purpose of providing knowledge about the social construction of school libraries in rural contexts, their pedagogical uses and their training potential. An experience is documented that intertwines the curriculum, the educational community, signified in the diversity of a multigrado group and its family and social environment. It is an ethnographic account of the educational possibilities of a library in a rural Mexican school, where boys and girls of different ages coexist and share stories that the teacher reads aloud, with the desire to spread a taste for reading and writing I their children’s minds and hearts. Despite deficiencies and dropouts, the school manages to have a rich heritage that students classify, care for and use for their own benefit. They become guardians of the books and teachings behind their pages. The library constitutes a cultural space that creates possibilities for exchange and openness to world for students and their families. And it certainly offers wings for those who undertake the journey of literary pleasure. The story is based on ethnographic research on the diversity of pedagogical resources that circulate in multigrado schools located in rural territories.


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