Emerging subjectivities of the self-learning process in the Psychology Practicum
Practicum;, Professional skills, Professional role, Future employment, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)Abstract
The Practicum is a milestone in the educational development of students, as it allows them to position themselves as future professionals in their field of activity. Given the relevance of this formative period, the aim of this research is to approach the narratives about Practicum experiences of students of the Psychology degree of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). With this purpose, a questionnaire that collected the experiences in the Practicum at three different time points was designed. The sample is made up of 85 students who have completed the Practicum in one of the areas established by the degree. The results underline that, for the most part, coherence exists between the theoretical contents and the competences involved in the Practicum, that this period allows identification with the role of the psychologist and that facilitates the subsequent vocational-professional choice. Finally, proposals for improvement of the subject are discussed.
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