Technological tools for monitoring students in FP dual
Dual training, vocational training, mentoring, ICTAbstract
The increasingly rapid changes in society also imply new ways of doing in the educational field. The different agents have, therefore, to adapt to these advances. Vocational training in dual modality, together with the relationship between students and society-environment-entities, means that the teacher must look for new training and monitoring models that go through significant moments of non-attendance. The objective of this contribution aims to show different tools used in dual FP for the higher degree cycle of Teaching and socio-sports animation. The following are proposed: ?Banc Integrat de dades – BID –,telephone, email, Whatsapp, Google Drive and Google Classroom –within the Google G suite for educational centers–.It is verified that the use of different tools allows a tutoring-monitoring of the students in an integral way and from different points of view, which allows a more individualized, real and functional attention. These tools are proposed for other training models, although they will have to be adapted to the characteristics of each teaching-Downloads
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