External practices through service-learning in physical education with people with intellectual disabilities





special education, service-learning, action-research


The present work relates an experience of external practices in the training of physical education teachers in primary education. During two consecutive academic years, the undergraduate students (n = 54) carried out three sessions of physical education practices together with people with intellectual disabilities, using service-learning as a methodology. From the analysis of the reflections of the first course, using an action research design, those aspects to be improved for the next cycle were detected. The first contact was modified, using cooperative games, with the aim of creating a more pleasant climate. We worked in circuit, to ensure the control of the class, and the work of the recycled material was introduced. Most students perceived the experience positively, although a small number had negative feelings. Based on these findings, possible modifications for subsequent interventions are discussed.


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How to Cite

Abellán, J. (2022). External practices through service-learning in physical education with people with intellectual disabilities. Diario De Practicum, 7(1), 40–55. https://doi.org/10.24310/RevPracticumrep.v7i1.14633


