The training of the educational psychologist. The experience of the virtual practicum at the UNED.




Practicum, professional skills, simulation, virtual learning, psychology
Agencies: UNED


The last two years have been marked by a health crisis that has changed the way we live, work and relate to each other. The impossibility of sharing spaces and the subsequent restrictions have made it necessary to transform face-to-face teaching into blended learning. This change in such a short period of time has meant a great effort for students, teachers and university managers, who have seen how many of the elements that define their way of teaching and learning have been transformed. This reality has had different consequences for non-face-to-face universities, as virtual teaching has largely alleviated the limitations arising from the health crisis. In this article we present the experience of a virtual Practicum carried out in the Faculty of Psychology at the UNED over the last few decades. This design based on simulation methodology has been a very powerful alternative to face-to-face teaching in times of pandemic.


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Author Biography

Laura Méndez-Zaballos, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Coordinadora General de Prácticas (Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica) y Vicedecana de Practicum de la Facultad de Psicología.

Profesora Titular de Prácticas. Departamento de Psicologia evolutiva y de la educación. Facultad de Psicología (UNED).




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How to Cite

Méndez-Zaballos, L. (2021). The training of the educational psychologist. The experience of the virtual practicum at the UNED . Diario De Practicum, 6(2), 121–130.


