Supervised educational practice in daycare: A piklerian experience in a portuguese context
Supervised educational practice in daycare: A piklerian experience in a portuguese context
Daycare, Pikler Triangle, Practicum, Profesional trainingAbstract
The daycare center is an educational context where significant learning opportunities must be created in the lives of babies and children. This article intends to emphasize an educational perspective for daycare education, the perspective of Emmi Pikler, and its contribution in training processes within the supervised educational practice of a professionalizing master's degree, in the Portuguese context. It aims to describe and analyze the experimentation of the Pikler Triangle in the context of a practicum developed in a daycare center, with simultaneous attention to the effects of this pedagogical proposal on children's experience and on the professional learning of the students. With regard to the first, there are positive effects in terms of children's autonomy, interactions and emotional experience, while in relation to the second, the formative contribution is highlighted at the level of a contextualized, participative, sensitive and attentive observation, and by an awareness about the particularities of professional action with younger children, especially in assuming a non-interfering role.
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