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Design of a method of analysis of the teaching material for learning Mexican Sign Language.




graphic design, teaching materials for the Deaf, Mexican Sign Language, Relational Structure, graphic composition
Agencies: National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCYT-Mexico), University of Riverside California (Unites States of America), Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico)


This article will elaborate on the analysis of educational materials for learning Mexican Sign Language (MSL) designed during the period 2004-2018. Those materials have the objective of showing the signs to perform the movements faithful to its configuration. Currently, the materials available to students contain graphics that present movements that tend to confuse the shape of their configuration. Thus, our research question was:  What sort of graphic qualities in the images used for didactic materials in MSL can provide the most faithful visual representation for students to acquire?

The general objective for this project was to develop guidelines that show the graphic representation of MSL in teaching resources and dictionaries by studying the visual composition of printed materials. The specific objectives were 4: 1. Familiarize ourselves with the current configuration of the graphic components of teaching material for MSL. 2. Reinterpret the Relational Structure model to analyze the MSL teaching material from the geometric and perceptual levels. 3. Carry out a pilot analysis. 4. Formulate guidelines for the design of teaching material in MSL. It is considered that from the graphic analysis of the most popular books, we will be able to identify the most favorable patterns or codes of graphic representation of MSL. Using qualitative, descriptive, and analytical tools, we organized a total of 65 words from the following five teaching materials in a grid: 1. Spanish-Mexican Sign Language Dictionary (DIELSEME). Introductory study to the lexicon of the LSM, 2. Hands with voice, 3. Manual of Mexican Sign Language (DIF-PUEBLA Municipal System). 4.Mexican Sign Language Dictionary of Mexico City. 5.My hands that speak. Sign language for the Deaf. Therefore, in this article, 5 sign words are presented as graphic compositions according to the Relational Structure model, geometric level: 1. symmetry, 2. proportion of the figure, 3. perspective. The perceptual level: 4. contrast, 5. proximity, 6. similarity, 7, common destiny, 8, continuity.



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Author Biographies

María Angélica Castro Caballero, Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico)

María Angélica Castro Caballero, Doctor, is a full -time professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, at the Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexicali Campus, in Mexico. Castro Caballero obtained the title in Design Research from the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts. Barcelona, Spain in 2015 and the Master in Design at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí in 2000. His research focuses on theories of the form applied to the visual graphic composition from geometry, perception and semiotics. In addition to this, he investigates the epistemology of design and systemic vision applied to the graphic communication phenomenon.

Cynthia Raquel Mendoza Casanova, Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico)

Cynthia Raquel Mendoza Casanova, subject professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), Mexicali. She is a candidate for Doctor of the Doctoral Program in Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the UABC, obtained the Master's Degree at the UABC Faculty of Arts, the degree of Bachelor at the University of the Valley of Atemajac, Guadalajara Campus in Jalisco. His research focuses on the design of educational material that promotes academic progress and contributes to the inclusion of deaf and hearing loss. At the same time, his other research topic is focused on artistic representations between calligraphy and drawing.


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How to Cite

Castro Caballero, M. A., & Mendoza Casanova, C. R. (2024). Design of a method of analysis of the teaching material for learning Mexican Sign Language. I+Diseño. Revista Científica De Investigación Y Desarrollo En Diseño, 19, págs. 184–200.


