Sistemas y modelos de conexión e interacción inteligente para la sociedad 5.0
DOI: clave:
Sistemas inteligentes, Sociedad humana, Modelos interactivos, Conocimiento aumentado, Tecnologías de interacción, Sociedad 5.0Resumen
The need to design new modes of interaction for the enjoyment of urban environments and cultural heritage includes the component related to the experiential factor, memory and the possibility of exploring the different levels of knowledge.
The role of design is to visualise content and improve the sharing and dissemination of information. Starting from the analysis of the new challenges of the hyper-connected and datacentric society and of the current models and intelligent systems of advanced and interactive fruition, the contribution gives an overview of the most significant innovations that have characterized the changes in contemporary society in terms of usability and accessibility.
By investigating contemporary phenomena, it will be possible to draw up a complete map of the characteristics of the approach and classification of the variables, guidelines for the design of new systems and models of connections and interactions for the intelligent and creative "5.0 Society", able to absorb innovations from the fourth industrial revolution and improve productivity in support of social problems.
Over the years, digital and virtual solutions have been developed that have changed the fruition of urban environments by proposing models of "intelligent cities" that are configured as digital and flexible places. The designer, reinterpreting the technologies of interaction, reorganizes the user's skills, increasing social knowledge by changing the experiences and interpretation of urban contexts to configure new forms of "humanization".
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