VKHUTEMAS and its role in the Soviet post-revolutionary design
Vkhutemas; design; the 1920s; URSS; artistic educationAbstract
It’s hard to describe the relevance of the influence that the VKHUTEMAS had had in the history of soviet design, for it had taken its country to one of the most important revolutions since the October Revolution. Besides the creation of the first school of design in the East of Europe, it gave the possibility for highly skilled professionals to make their appearance, who had been capable of breaking with tradition and of creating a new kind of art. VKHUTEMAS just like the Bauhaus, became the heart of a new language and the driving force of the potential of a new generation. The main goal of this Project is to offer a brief explanation of the creation of a new system and a new methodic, which were completely variant to the ones known at the time in this country, that had no reason to feel jealous of the great European artistic core in the first years of the last century.
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