Aesthetics of Apollo and Dionysus, synonymous with anima and animus and yin-yan for the understanding of Artist and Artwork


  • Roberta d´Amore Domenech Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain



Art Theory; Artist and understanding of Artwork; Merging Disciplines; Aesthetics; Metaphysics; Jung


Starting from the myths of Apollo and Dionysius and the aesthetic attributes of Nietzsche, given to the deities in the The Birth of Tragedy, some connections were found between the Apollonian and Dionysian, the anima and animus of Jung and the ying and yang of Tao Te Ching. The link points of the Apollonian and Dionysian, the Anima and Animus and the Ying and Yang will serve as aesthetical attributes for the purpose of forming a better psycho-aesthetical and metaphysical understanding of the figure of the Artist and their artworks.




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How to Cite

d´Amore Domenech, R. (2020). Aesthetics of Apollo and Dionysus, synonymous with anima and animus and yin-yan for the understanding of Artist and Artwork. Eviterna Journal, (4), 1–11.