Conchita Wurst: from the bearded woman to the androgynous Jesus Christ


  • Pablo Manuel Serrato Díaz Universidad de Málaga Spain



Bearded woman; Iconography; Androgyny; Wildefortis; Jesus Christ; Conchita Wurst


The present document analyses the image of Conchita Wurst, winner of the Song Festival Eurovision 2014. Through this televised contest, the performer become very popular, mostly due to the visual impact caused by her provocative image to European spectators. Its novelty lies on his contemporary androgenic treatment, composed with the traditional Western images, which include a bearded woman and Jesus Christ iconography. 




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How to Cite

Serrato Díaz, P. M. (2020). Conchita Wurst: from the bearded woman to the androgynous Jesus Christ. Eviterna Journal, 1(1), 32–44.