The wizard Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Symbolic influences of the picassian in the artistic creation of global contemporaneity




Picasso, Ritual figures, contemporaneity, art biennal, indigenous cultures


This article is an investigation that aims to reveal the possible influences of Pablo Picasso's legacy on the artistic production of the global contemporary. The study is based on Picasso's fascination with the ritual figures of certain peoples who were colonies of the European powers and his beginnings as a great collector of important pieces that were never separated from his personal collection of works of art, both his own and those of other masters. After his death, the ritual objects became part of Picasso's legacy held by the Musée Picasso in Paris and information about them became public. Three important ritual objects have been taken and an analysis of their current artistic geography has been carried out in order to ascertain the possible influences of the Picassoian on the languages of present-day artists as descendants of the producers of the ritual objects collected by Picasso. In the analysis of the actors studied, certain singularities have been found that go beyond the traditional European-American centres of production and are in line with the languages linked to the currents of global artistic creation. The conceptual interests of these artists show concerns such as the feminine, migratory movements or the construction of identity from strategies of symbolic assemblage that link them directly to the postulates of Pablo Picasso.


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How to Cite

Labella Martínez, A. (2023). The wizard Pablo Ruiz Picasso: Symbolic influences of the picassian in the artistic creation of global contemporaneity. Eviterna Journal, (14), 108–125.