The first films by the Lumière and the cubism of Pablo Picasso

Analysis of common points: realism, time and movement




Cinema, cubism, Lumière, films, Picasso


In this investigation, various connections found between the first films of the Lumière Brothers and the cubist movement are analyzed, taking in this case as an object of study, specifically the cubism of Pablo Picasso, as well as those films by the Lumières. considered the first documentaries in the history of cinema, founders of the cinema that from then on began to be called "realistic". Through this work, we will try to show that there are various points in common between early cinema and cubism, specifically examining certain links found between the first films of the Lumières and Pablo Picasso's cubism. For this, we will focus on investigating the common concepts in both fields of realism, time and movement, taking as reference the appreciations that, on these three specific aspects, authors such as Román Gubern, John Golding, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler or Standish D. Lawder, among others. Firstly, we will highlight the importance of the realistic character of cubism, realism also palpable and defining in the films of the Lumière Brothers and secondly, we will analyze the revolutionary incorporation of the concepts of time and movement in Pablo Picasso's cubism, agents equally essential and transformative in the cinema that the Lumières created. Through all these aspects, on the one hand, we will try to demonstrate that the concept of realism could become an important connection to take into account between the first films by the Lumières and Pablo Picasso's cubism and, on the other hand, we will try to show that the concepts of time and movement were situated in the first cinema and also in cubism, as two decisive elements for the development of both artistic manifestations, capable of causing an impact never before experienced in their first spectators.


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How to Cite

Franco Carrión , L. (2023). The first films by the Lumière and the cubism of Pablo Picasso : Analysis of common points: realism, time and movement. Eviterna Journal, (14), 70–87.