Continuity and variation of images in Ancient Greece
Educate in a gender perspective
educational innovation, gender perspective, socially relevant problems, Greek Art history, Scaffolding theoryAbstract
This article shows an educational project focused on the implementation of strategies at the university classroom that favor the diachronic study of images in terms of gender. The proposal stems from the need to reformulate and adapt formalist approaches linked to the analysis of the artistic production of Antiquity. Starting from the approaches around the vicarious learning of A. Bandura, the zone of proximal development of L. Vygotski, the work in the classroom of socially relevant problems of J. Dewey, or the dialogical construction of knowledge of P. Freire, this study raises the possibility of a paradigm shift in university education based on the lectio magistralis system. Through the exposition of the objectives, materials and results achieved in the subject «History of Greek Art», it is intended to present an educational project focused on the analysis of images as cultural phenomena. In this way, starting from problems and dilemmas that challenge students from the present, such as sexist violence, the pandemic, or Democracy, the historiographical view of the productions of antiquity has been worked on. On occasions resignified, on others reconstructed, the images have allowed students to articulate their knowledge of the past through both iconic and textual vestiges that have favored their understanding of the present.
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