Women, art and antiquity

Breaking clichés in the classroom: a proposal made by the ARSMAYA research group





Ancient art, women, gender roles, activity learning, information transfer


In the last few years, significant advances have been made in our knowledge of women’s lives in the past. In part, these advances are the result of recent discoveries, but mostly they are due to the emergence of a new way of approaching history. We are referring to the influence of feminist theories in history, art history and archaeology, which has favoured the incorporation of the gender perspective in the research carried out inside these disciplines. However, although great steps have been made, we are still far from achieving a genuine integration of women in the study of the past. In our opinion, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to bring these new theories closer to future generations of historians. For this reason, it is essential that the academic context should promote actions in the classroom that allow the student community to find out about the results of the latest research carried out in this field. The study of images is an ideal vehicle for achieving these objectives. In this paper we share our experience of a series of seminars organized by the Arsmaya research group, dedicated to the study of women in Antiquity from an interdisciplinary perspective.


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How to Cite

Vidal Lorenzo, C., Parpal Cabanes, E. ., & Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual, M. L. (2022). Women, art and antiquity: Breaking clichés in the classroom: a proposal made by the ARSMAYA research group. Eviterna Journal, (12), 59–76. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.vi12.14636



Dossier Teaching innovation in the study of the image