A cosmogonic project in human form

Swedenborgian notions in William Blake


  • Mónica Sánchez Tierraseca a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:33:"Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha";} Spain




Swedenborg, William Blake, cosmogonic, Universe, human


The article is about the similarity in notions of God and Universe of the Swedish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg and the English poet and engraver William Blake. By the reading of their works, in which they describe the spiritual world revealed to them in their visions, the required considerations to understand their respective religious thoughts are extracted. Later, the comparative analysis of these elements through the word-image interaction is the mean with which we can establish a connection in their works about the notions dealt with in two points. The first is the conception of the Divine Human, according to which God and man have the same qualities and are the same person. The second aspect they have in common is the idea that all parts of the Universe are interrelated as organs into a great human figure.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Tierraseca, M. (2021). A cosmogonic project in human form: Swedenborgian notions in William Blake. Eviterna Journal, (9), 79–91. https://doi.org/10.24310/Eviternare.vi9.11158