The Reinvention of (Underground) Art

Performative Aesthetics in a global epoch of restrictions


  • Laura Maillo Palma Universidad de Málaga Spain



reinvention, art, performative, underground, identity, virtual


We are going through a moment of reinvention of art due to unprecedented social circumstances, given the magnitude of the consequences derived from the Covid-19 pandemic on our globalized planet. To answer the question of how to deal with this urgency for change, we will think about the figure of the contemporary underground artist, relying on Nicolas Bourriaud's concept of «radiant artist», and on artistic practice, as it is open to continuous transformation and renovation. We will postulate that the identity of the artist is produced through performative acts, just as gender identity is constructed according to queer theory. Therefore, the reinvention of art goes through a reinvention of artistic identity. Finally, we will discuss the difficulty for the arts (especially those for which physical co-presence is more important) the restriction on sharing public physical spaces. How to extrapolate artistic production and reception to virtual spaces? We will conclude by betting on taking advantage of this moment of reinvention to create new networks for the artistic community based on digital tools. Our framework of thought is defined by authors such as Bourriaud, Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, Byung-Chul Han, Larry Shiner and Luis Racionero.


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Author Biography

Laura Maillo Palma, Universidad de Málaga

Researcher in philosophy, aesthetics and performing arts. Graduated in Philosophy Degree and Master in Social Development of Artistic Culture, both with an honorable mention for the best record, from the University of Malaga (UMA). Make a research stay (2017-2018) at the University of Guanajuato (Mexico). She obtained a doctorate from the UMA, directed by Luis Puelles Romero, with an international mention (2019). She currently works as an Interim Substitute Professor at the University of Malaga, in the Aesthetics Area of the Department of Philosophy. She coordinates the line of research in Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory of Choreographic Stays (Oviedo). She is dedicated, in parallel, to body art experimentation focused on the practice of butoh dance.



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How to Cite

Maillo Palma, L. (2021). The Reinvention of (Underground) Art: Performative Aesthetics in a global epoch of restrictions. Eviterna Journal, (9), 49–62.