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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As the author, you guarantee that you have all permissions to exploit with sufficient scope any illustrations, photos, quotes and other content incorporated into the work.

Author Guidelines

Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions.
Eviterna is a scientific journal that is published once a year. The works presented must deal with topics related to art and visual culture in any of its fields, times and manifestations. The studies must be original, unpublished and not published or presented for this purpose in another medium.


Eviterna is a digital scientific journal that is published biannually. The works related to evaluation must deal with subjects with art, humanities, visual culture and social sciences in any of their fields, periods and manifestations. Such research avenues will be specified in the calls that are made periodically.

3.1. Of the structure of the articles

1. Of the object

  1. The works must be original and unpublished, they will not be already published, nor will they have been presented for this purpose in another medium and will not be the result of participation in symposia or conferences. Those that present greater originality, novelty and significance in the object of study will be valued positively.
  2. Texts can be sent in Spanish, English, French and Italian. If some of these last three languages ??are used, the title, abstract and keywords always appear in Spanish. The number of articles in a foreign language will not exceed 1/3 of the total number of articles that are part of the corresponding number.
  3. The authors must give the journal the right of first publication of their work, allowing third parties to read and cite it as long as the authorship and editorial provenance are appropriately collected. In these matters, the legal rights and prescriptions contained in the pertinent legislation always prevail.
  4. Of the authorship
  5. Those who present texts must be teachers, researchers and professionals linked to the areas of study addressed. When registering on the platform where the magazine is hosted, each person must complete the information related to their personal resume. It is recommended to preferably include the identifying links in ORCID and Google Scholar; and, in a second order, those of, ResearchGate and AutoresRedalyc. These records facilitate the inalterability of each person's signature, favoring the location of texts and citations.
  6. Studies signed by more than four different people will not be accepted.
  7. Of the sections of the magazine. Specs.

The issues of Eviterna will be made up mainly of articles, sometimes being supplemented with a variant, exhibition reviews and bibliographic comments. For any of these last three possibilities, please consult the Editorial Team beforehand by writing to the address


It will be brief, clear, precise, if possible without questions or interjections, without quotation marks or a full stop. It can have a subtitle (which should serve to specify the study question). In any case, the title and subtitle will contain a maximum of 12 words each. It will be in Spanish and English. If the text is presented in a foreign language, it must always be accompanied by its translation into Spanish.


The data related to the signatories of the text (name, surname, academic affiliation, email, ORCID code, etc.) are only filled in on the platform, when registering (see previous section). Therefore, they should not appear in the text submitted for evaluation.

Summary (summary)

Length of between 200 and 300 words, in a single paragraph. It should follow the structure: context of the proposal, objectives, methods, original contributions and main conclusions. It is written in Spanish and English (summary). If the text is presented in a foreign language, it must always be accompanied by its translation into Spanish.

Keywords (keywords)

Maximum of 5, arranged in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. Frequently used terms will be used, as specific as possible and in line with the UNESCO Thesaurus ( They cannot coincide with any of those listed in the study title. They are written in Spanish and English. If the text is presented in a foreign language, the keywords must always be accompanied by their translation into Spanish.

Organization and content

The extension will be contained between 5,000 and 7,000 words. These figures include both the body of the text and the previous sections (titles, abstracts, keywords) as well as bibliographic references.

Research articles should be organized according to the following structure: 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical framework / objectives; 3. Research results; 4. Conclusions; and, 5. Bibliographic references. The titles of the epigraphs can be named differently as long as the content, order and structure of the investigation refer to the organization mentioned above.

  1. Introduction.

It will present the study and its relevance in a reasoned manner, justifying its completion.

  1. Theoretical framework / objectives.

Brief state of the art in which the existing fundamental contributions are included, as well as the possible difficulties encountered. It will contain the research hypotheses and the objectives to be achieved through it. If necessary, an explanation of the chosen methodology will be made, explaining the reasons for its use, rigor and scientific validity. If necessary, the instruments used for the analysis will be indicated, as well as how many similar questions are applicable (transversality, multidisciplinarity, etc.). If it were an experimental, particular and novel way, its characteristics and the suitability of its use will be explained.

  1. Research results.

Review of the results obtained in an orderly and credible presentation of these in which the data provided is sufficiently well contrasted.

  1. Conclusions.

Exhibition on the relationship between these and the working hypotheses argued, as well as with other similar investigations (if they exist) or the limitations found. Possible open research avenues, essential for further studies, will be mentioned.

  1. Bibliographic references

As long as the topics are so, it is recommended that the current references, covering different perspectives and languages ??with a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 40. At least half will be from university scientific journals (its corresponding DOI being obligatorily specified if it has one), with The exception is that the issues discussed are so original that there are no academic hemerographic records or other credible sources of information have been used. Self-citations are not accepted, except in absolutely exceptional cases (where they will only be from published studies and not in the process of editing). Only bibliographic references that have been used / cited in the text should appear. It will be placed in alphabetical order, leaving a blank line between each entry.

        6. Footnotes

A restrictive use is recommended, reserving for specific clarifications. If strictly necessary, the sources of funding may be mentioned, thanked or recorded as a dedication; in any of these cases, it will be done in a footnote placed along the first paragraph of the Introduction.

3.2. From the structure of the varia


It will be brief, clear, precise, if possible without questions or interjections, without quotation marks or a full stop. It can have a subtitle (which should serve to specify the study question). In any case, the title and subtitle will contain a maximum of 12 words. It will be in Spanish and English. If the text is presented in a foreign language, it must always be accompanied by its translation into Spanish.

Structure of the text

The maximum length will be 2,500 words including title, body of the text and bibliographic references (plus notes and captions if any).

Bibliographic references

The indications given for the Articles section, section e) will be followed. You will have a minimum of 10 references and a maximum of 20.

3.3. On the structure of bibliographic comments

It should start with the information about the publication reviewed according to the APA standards and including, at the end, the ISBN. Works published, at most two years before the closing of the call for the issue of the journal to which they are presented, will be critically analyzed, and must arouse interest for the purposes of this. A quality cover image will be sent according to the magazine's standards (see section 3.5). If it is detected that the publication reviewed has already been discussed in other academic journals, the Editorial Committee may reject the proposal. Maximum length, all inclusive: 2,000 words.

3.4. On the structure of exhibition reviews

It should start with the information about the exhibition: title, place, dates, organization, curator, etc. They will deal with montages carried out, at most, two years before the closing of the call for the number of the magazine to which they are presented. A maximum of 3 images must be attached (see section 3.5). Maximum length, all inclusive: 2,000 words.


Complementary Files:

  • Any graphics and images: they should be numbered and have a caption that clearly identifies the contents and where they have to be inserted.
  • Details of the author (name and surname, professional affiliation, professional postal address, email).
  • Brief CV (150-200 words) and photograph

3.6 Monographic Issue Proposals or Especial Issues

Monographic Issue Proposals or Especial Issues. The publication of monographic or especial issue topics requires the submission of a proposal that will be evaluated by the Editorial Board. This proposal should include a brief introduction (maximum 800 words) justifying the interest of the monograph or especial issue and full details of authorship, titles and abstracts of the contributions (maximum 250 words).

The monograph or especial issue should include an introduction and a minimum of five original articles and a maximum of ten. Their length and style should conform to the standards included in the journal platform and downloadable template. Those who coordinate the monograph or especial issue will be able to sign the introduction, having a maximum of 8,500 words, but may not also sign any of the other articles in the dossier. The dossier must guarantee the diversity of geographical origin and the authors’ disciplinary dedication, gender parity and heterogeneity of affiliation.

All contributions to the monograph or especial issue should be submitted to the journal as original articles, indicating in the comments section the title of the monograph or especial issue of which they form part. All originals belonging to the monograph or special issue will be subject to blind peer review.

The Editorial Board will be able to make an open call for papers when appropriate.

Sources of funding:

It is recommended to indicate the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) within the framework(s) of which the research that has given rise has been carried out to the post. This data must be referenced in the article by the authors and be collected by the journal in the metadata it stores. It is recommended to use the coding of the Funding project both in the Metadata and in the PDF of the published article.

  1. Of the reviews

4.1. Articles and various

Proposals received at the close of each call will be submitted to a first review process by the Editorial Team, checking:

- suitability with the academic line of the journal;

- the notable interest presented by the proposal and the wealth of exhibitions used;

- accommodation to style / editorial standards and proper spelling correction;

- and, the completion of the personal profile of each author on the platform, including their ORCID identifying profile. After passing this first screening, the texts, always devoid of any allusion to their authorship, are subjected to a blind peer review carried out by external, national and international professionals, of recognized prestige in their areas of knowledge.

The same proposal may be sent to up to three reviewers to carry out their pertinent evaluation. Once the reports prepared by the people who carry out the external reviews are received, they will be sent by the Editorial Team to those who have signed the text, within a period of no more than three months from the closing date of the call for applications. Three possible results can be given: - Accept the shipment. The text will go to the next editing phase - Publishable with modifications. A reasonable period of time will be granted to the author to incorporate a series of suggestions into the original text. These will be evaluated again to check if, indeed, they are in line with what is contained in the reports. - Refuse the shipment. Its publication is not considered appropriate based on the criteria justified in the evaluation reports.

4.2. Exhibition reviews and bibliographic reviews These works will be evaluated only once by the Editorial Team of Eviterna.

  1. Sending the text

They are carried out through the OJS platform on which Eviterna is hosted. The first thing the author must do is register in this and log in ( and / eviterna / login).

Proposals will be sent using the corresponding template (link here), in MS-Word .docx format. The name of the file will respond to the first five words of the title, separated by hyphens (Ex: Inpiración_clásica_en_la_arquitectura.docx).

Of the text format

  1. The template is made in DIN A4 format, using the typeface called Malacitana, a free-use font from the University of Malaga. Each author must proceed with the download and installation on their computer ( template prior to working on the template prior to working on thetrue&sd=true).
  2. The guidelines indicated in the template should be followed for each of the essential elements of the text (titles, abstracts, keywords, body of the text, headings, etc.).
  3. Photographs, illustrations and tables are incorporated throughout the body of the text, between different paragraphs. See the indications of point 3.5.
  4. Regarding the verbatim citations, these should not exceed 20% of the text as a whole. Those that exceed the three lines of extension will go in a separate paragraph (see the indications of the template), not having to exceed 10 lines; While those that do not, will go inside the text with Latin or Spanish quotation marks («»).
  5. The citation of sources used in the study will be carried out in the body of the text, following the APA parenthetical citation model in its latest version ( 7th-edition /). It is recalled that all data or ideas that come from a study must be referenced since the opposite is considered plagiarism and will be a reason for rejection, leaving the signer of the proposal at the expense of the application of the corresponding legal regulations. In the same way, it is remembered that the appointment must be justified and relevant, avoiding any meaningless and gratuitous reference
  1. Style recommendations

- Eviterna shares the values ??of the University of Malaga; among them, the one referred to equality between women and men, as well as social equity. Together with this and other public institutions, we defend that in all teaching, research and editorial activities an egalitarian language is used, avoiding sexist, discriminatory, ambiguous or degrading biases. To do this, take into account the recommendations of UMA editorial (Style Guide for Publishing Service of Publications and Scientific Dissemination).

- The use of adjectives and topics such as 'at the level of…', 'by…', 'exceptional work…' as well as abstract space-time references ('in our country', 'this year' should be avoided , 'at that time'…) The use of names, surnames or titles written in full in capital letters will be dispensed with, limiting these only to known acronyms.

- If the texts are written in Spanish, it is not necessary to use words from other languages ??when there are similar voices accepted by the RAE. If used, it will be by imperative necessity and may be in italics.









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