From Disciple to Master. A Study on Tarbiya in three poems by Ibrahim Niasse
This paper studies diachronically the Sufi concept of tarbiya (spiritual initiation) through the analysis of three poems by the Senegalese Sufi Master Ibr?h?m Niasse. In the first text, Ru? al-?dab (The essence of Good Manners), Niasse resume the Tij?niyya doctrine and Sufism before his public consolidation in 1929. The second text Nabadhat min asha‘?rn? f? tarbiya wa al-irsh?d (Advertence about tarbiya and spiritual guide), explores the process of spiritual initiation and its methodology from his experience as Sufi Master. In the last text, ??riman, Niasse explains the difficulties after access to the gnosis. Finally, we include an overview about the relationship between tarbiya and gnosis in Contemporary African quotidian life.
a) Fuentes primarias en árabe
R?? al-?dab — NIASSE, I.: R?? al-?dab. Maktabat al-nah?at shaykh al-Isl?m al-??jj Ibr?h?m Niasse, Medina Kaolack, s/f.
K?shif al-Ilb?s — NIASSE, I. : K?shif al-Ilb?s. Ed. Cheikh Tidiane Cisse, Medina Baye Kaolack, 2001. Hay traducción al inglés de Zachary Wright, Muhtar Holland y Abdullahi El-Okene. Fons Vitae, Louisvi-lle, 2010.
J?mi‘ jaw?mi‘—NIASSE, I.: J?mi‘ jaw?mi‘. Maktabat al-Sha‘abiya, Beirut, 2010.
Jaw?hir al-Ras?’il — NIASSE, I.: Jaw?hir al-Ras?’il. 3 vols. Shaykh A?mad Ab? l-F?t? b. ‘Ali, Kano, 2013.
b) Literatura secundaria
AYA, A.: El secreto de Muhammad. Kairos, Barcelona, 2006.
BRIGAGLIA, A: “The Fayda Tijaniyya of Ibr?h?m Nyass: Genesis and Implications of a Sufi Doctrine,” en Islam et Sociétés au sud du Saha-ra,14-15. 2000-2001.pp. 41-56.
De DIEGO GONZÁLEZ, A.: Identidades y modelos de pensamiento en África, Tesis Doctoral, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2016.
HILL, J.: Divine Knowledge and Islamic Authority: Religious Specialization among Disciples of Baay Ñas. Tesis Doctoral, Yale University, New Haven, 2007. Disponible en: <>.
HUNWICK, J. & R. S. O’FAHEY (eds.): Arabic literature of Africa. vol IV. The writings of Western Sudanic Africa. Brill, Leiden, 2003.
SEESEMANN, R.: The Divine Flood: Ibra?hi?m Niasse and the Roots of a Twentieth-century Sufi Revival. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.
WRIGHT, Z.: Living Knowledge in West African Islam: The Sufi Community of Ibr?h?m Niasse. Brill, Leiden, 2015 (En texto 2015a).
WRIGHT, Z.: On the Path of the Prophet. The African American Institu-te, Atlanta, 2006; 2ª edición revisada. Fayda Books, Atlanta, 2015 (En texto 2015b).
WRIGHT, Z. & Y. WELDON (eds): Pearls from the Divine Flood. Selected Discourses of Shaykh al-Islam Ibr?h?m Niasse. The African American Institute, Atlanta, 2006; 2ª edición revisada y ampliada con nuevo contenido. Fayda Books, Atlanta, 2015 (En texto 2015c).
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