
Conscience and coherence between the two-in-one

Conscience and coherence between the two-in-one. A phenomenological approach to Arendt's conception of moral conduct


  • Maria Camila Sanabria Cucalón Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Colombia
  • Francisco Martín Díez Fischer Universidad Católica Argentina CONICET Argentina
  • Juan Fernando García Castro Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Colombia


conscience, moral behavior, thinking, judment, memory, will, Hannah Arendt


In this article we propose an approach to the phenomenon of moral behavior based on the philosophy of Hannah Arendt. This phenomenon will be analyzed from the conscience’s manifestations, showing that searching for coherence of the self with itself would not only imply the participation of the faculties of thinking and judgment but also of memory, productive and reproductive imagination, and the will. Following the distinction of the “moments” of Arendtian conscience mentioned by Jerome Kohn in the notes to Responsibility and Judgment, we analyze how the indicated faculties participate in the manifestation of conscience as 1. Witness, 2. That which judges in myself about myself, 3. My faculty of judgment and 4. An inner voice, this for the purpose of understanding its participation in moral conduct.


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How to Cite

Sanabria Cucalón, M. C., Díez Fischer, F. M., & García Castro, J. F. (2024). Conscience and coherence between the two-in-one: Conscience and coherence between the two-in-one. A phenomenological approach to Arendt’s conception of moral conduct. Claridades. Revista De filosofía. Retrieved from

