
Mathematical realism of the Pythagorean triad and the vesica piscis.


  • Jacinto Choza Armenta Universidad de Sevilla Spain


KEY WORDS: mathematical realism, number, triad, elementary particles, atoms, Pythagoreanism, Neoplatonism, Peano, vesica pisicis, trefoil knot.


ABSTRACT: The Pythagorean triad expresses the structure of the particles that constitute the atom from the initial chaos of nucleotides through trefoil knots. The series of natural numbers in its first hundred corresponds to the atomic number of the elements of the periodic table. Peano's axiomatics corresponds to the Pythagorean triad and to the conception of the number 3 as the first number proper. The geometric expression of the Pythagorean triad and tetraktys is expressed geometrically in the vesica piscis, in the molecular structure of inorganic and organic compounds and in the theory of knots.


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How to Cite

Choza Armenta, J. (2024). Mathematical realism of the Pythagorean triad and the vesica piscis. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 1–17. Retrieved from

