
Nietzsche y la afirmación de la vida


  • Luis Felipe Oyarzun Montes Universidad de Barcelona Spain


Eternal return, Death of God, Spirit of Revenge, Will to Truth, Nihilism.


My intention is to develop a reading of what would be implied in the thought of the eternal return from the horizon of the affirmation of life. From here we can read this «doctrine» in a way that, although it does not deny its cosmological or selective reading, somehow exceeds it. For this endeavor, I will examine what is at stake in the death of God and its link with metaphysical truth, to move on to the idea of how the spirit of revenge is what operates in the will of truth, and how its redemption gives rise to the eternal return. Finally, I attempt an interpretation of the idea of return, first in its cosmological (nihilistic) sense, then as affirming the inexhaustible plurality of the living.


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How to Cite

Oyarzun Montes, L. F. (2024). Nietzsche y la afirmación de la vida. Claridades. Revista De filosofía. Retrieved from

