
Kitsune’s Hermeneutics: a Specular Ontology


  • María del Carmen Molina Barea Universidad de Córdoba Spain




The present paper ventures on an amazing journey among the ontological principles of philosophical Hermeneutics, with the purpose of establishing a comparative dialogue with procedures taken from Shintoism. Thus the text focuses particularly on the way in which Heidegger approaches the notion of being and how he tries to overcome the problem of metaphysics. With this aim, it will be taken a critical eye on the formulation of Dasein as well as carefully analyzed the corresponding process of de-substantiation of being. In order to do so it will be mentioned appropriated Shintoist motifs, such as the sacred mirror and the kitsune (the messenger fox that mimics Hermes in the role of the Hermeneutics’ god). Likewise, selected theoretical aspects by Gadamer and Vattimo will be considered. In this sense, the paper addresses a rare topic and methodologically develops a transversal exercise which proposes revisiting ontological Hermeneutics.


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How to Cite

Molina Barea, M. del C. (2024). Kitsune’s Hermeneutics: a Specular Ontology. Claridades. Revista De filosofía. Retrieved from

